Insgesamt habe ich weit über 6.500 verschiedene Tausch-Kronkorken.
Alle unten genannten Länder sind jetzt mit den Scans verlinkt.

In total I have over 6.500 different dulicates from many countries of the world!
All the countries mentioned are now linked to the respective scans.


Austria - Österreich (9 Scans - 8 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
Hungary - Ungarn
Belgium - Belgien (7 Scans - 6 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
Ireland - Irland
Bulgaria - Bulgarien
Italy - Italien (6 Scans - 4 x No Beer, 2 x Beer)
Canada - Kanada (3 Scans) Jugoslavian countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro)
Croatia - Kroatien
Latvia - Lettland
Czech.Rep. - Tschechien (8 Scans - 7 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
Lithuania - Litauen (3 Scans)
Danmark - Dänemark (3 Scans) Luxembourg
England (4 Scans)
Netherlands - Niederlande (7 Scans - 5 x Beer, 2 x No Beer)
Estonia - Estland
Norway- Norwegen
Finland - Finnland
Poland - Polen (8 Scans - 7 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
France - Frankreich (4 Scans)
Portugal (2 Scans - 1 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
Germany Beer ABC (6 Scans)
Romania - Rumänien
Germany Beer DEF (7 Scans)
Russia - Russland (11 Scans - 10 x Beer, 1 x No Beer)
Germany Beer GHI (6 Scans)
Slovakia - Slowakei
Germany Beer JKL (7 Scans)
Spain - Spanien (5 Scans - 3 x Beer, 2 x No Beer)
Germany Beer MNO (3 Scans)
Spain - Special [Coca Cola, Nordic Mist, Fanta, Sprite] (3 Scans, Aquarius, Minute Maid, Nestea, Bitter Rosso)
Germany Beer PQR (3 Scans)
Sweden - Schweden (2 Scans)
Germany Beer STU (7 Scans)
Switzerland - Schweiz (2 different Scans)
Germany Beer VWXYZ (5 Scans)
Ukraine (5 Scans)
Germany Soda (2 Scans)
USA-Beer (6 Scans)
Germany Soda Special [Coca Cola, Fanta, etc] (2 Scans)
USA-Soda (2 Scans)
Germany Mix Drinks (Alkopop etc.)  
Greece - Griechenland

"ALTE" Kronkorken - "OLD" CAPS

Achtung! - Diese alten Kronkorken tausche ich nur gegen andere Alte!!!
Attention! - The old caps from the following countries I only trade for other old caps!!!

Austria - Österreich Germany Beer MNO
Belgium - Netherlands Germany Beer PQR
Danmark - Dänemark Germany Beer STU
DDR - German Democratic Rep. Germany Beer VWXYZ
England - Hungary Germany Soda
Exotics old (Thailand, Chile) Italy - Italien
Germany Beer ABC Jugoslavian countries
Germany Beer DEF Spain - Spanien
Germany Beer GHI Special most Cork (Canada, Slovakia)
Germany Beer JKL USA

"EXOTISCHE Kronkorken"

Achtung: - Diese tausche ich nur gegen andere Kronkorken aus Asien, Australien,
Afrika, Central- und Südamerika, seltene Europa und Serien gegen Serien!!!

Afrika (Southafrica, Cape Verde)
Afrika - Special01 (Mauritius, Seychelles, Liberia)
Argentina - Argentinen (2 scans)
Asia (Japan, Vietnam,Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia,
Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Lebanon, Iraq, South Korea, Cambodia)
Australia (2 scans)
Brazil - Brasilien (2 scans)
Centralamerica (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Panama, Guatemala)
Costa Rica
Egypt - Nigeria
Ghana - Marocco - Tunesia - Namibia
Karibik (2 scans) Domenican Republic, Barbados, Cuba, Jamaica, Trinitad & Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Ktts & Nevis, Domenica, Aruba, Bahamas)
Kenya (2 scans) - Ethiopia
Mexico (2 scans)
New Zealand
Rare European (Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Malta, Scotland)
Rare Russian (Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazachstan)
Southamerica (Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay)
Thailand (5 scans)
Turkey (2 scans)
Very Rare ( Western Samoa) * Only special trade for other very rare countries who I highest have 5 different caps)



Tooheys Asking Heads (1/8)
Mohrenbräu Profile 2020 (65/111) 1x (19/111) / 1 x (3/32)
Stiegl Wahrzeichen von Österreich (27/27)
Stiegl WM 2010 (32/32) 1x / 1x (12/32) / 1 x (3/32)
Stiegl EM 2008 (1/32)
Coca Cola Edition black (15/15) 1x
Coca Cola Light Edition silver (7/7) 2x
Coca Cola Smileys 2006 (3/3)
Jupiler Sponsor of the Red Devils 2021 (12/12) 6x
Jupiler Sponsor of the Red Devils 2024 (11/11) 2x
Maes Pils Music (2/7)
Budweiser NFL 2010 (1/32)
Keith Acadien Reunion gold (103/103) 1x / 1 x (27/103) / 1 x (15/103)
Keith Acadien Reunion silver (103/103)
Keith Anniversaire 211. Birthday (3/3)
Labatt Olympia Games silver (7/19)
Labatt Blue Olympia Games 1988 (1/16)
Labatt Trophys (3/18)
Molson Team Canada (2/5)
Poker Cerveza Cuida an Amigo (1/4)
Poker Cerveza Playing Cards 2013 full (4/4) 2x
Czech. Footballclubs (1/18)
Icehockey (3/25)
Sexy Women (3/?)
Wiibroe Arangsols Year Numbers (6/26)
Fullers London Pride Beer Mate Set 2017 (3/12)
Hobgoblin Ruby Ale (4/4)
Santanos Cerveza Tequila & Lime (4/12) 1 x / 2 x (1/12)
Tanker (1/6)
Acrobatic Waiters (3/5)
Kronenbourg 70th Anniversary of the name 1947 -2017 Fabrikzeichen: dap (13/71)
Kronenbourg 70th Anniversary of the name 1947 -2017 Fabrikzeichen: CP (7/71)
Kronenbourg 70th Anniversary of the name 1947 -2017 (without text "Kronenbourg") Fabrikzeichen: cp (2/71)
Kronenbourg Les Annees Qui Comptent Fabrikzeichen: dap (14/39)
Kronenbourg Les Annees Qui Comptent Fabrikzeichen: cp (6/39)
Mutzing Collection de Blasons 2 (28/28) - nur Tausch gegen andere spezielle Serien! Only very Special trade
Brau 2011 Christmas RRauh (4/7) 1x / 1x (1/7)
Brauhaus Kemnath Saying (3/6)
Brinkhoffs Ruhrpotto (53/53) 2x / 1x (16/53)
Coca Cola Sports Innendruck mit Glanz 1x (19/50), 1x (7/50)
Coca Cola Sports Innendruck ohne Glanz 1x (13/50), 1x (5/50)
Crew Republic Ale Werkstatt Edition 2013 full (7/7) 2x
Dinkelacker WM 1974 (9/17) 1x / 1 x 2/17 + singles
Eichbaum WM 2014 (1/32)
Fritz Cola Hamburg (7/9) 1x / 1x (6/9)
Fritz Cola Hamburg Set 2020 (3/12)
Gaffel Kölsch Bully (4/4)
Gaffel Kölsch WM 2006 (13/32) 1x / 1x (6/32) und Singles
Gaffel Kölsch EM 2008 (16/16) 1x / 1x (1/16)
Gaffel Kölsch EM 2012 (25/25) 1x / 1 x 3/25
Gaffel Kölsch WM 2018 (6/12) 1x / 1 x 1/12
Gaffel Kölsch Fassbrause (5/7)
Gaffel Kölsch Herzenswunsch (2/8)
Gaffel Kölsch Ich liebe dich wen liebst du (1/27)
Gaffel Kölsch Schnick Schnack Schnuck Inside print full (3/3)
Gaffel Kölsch Smileys (4/4) 12x
Gilden Kölsch Karneval 2015 (2/97)
Gilden Kölsch Veedel 2010 (86/86) 2x
Gilden Kölsch Veedel 2011 (86/86) 2x
Hachenburger Heimatliebe 2016 (77/1185)
Henninger Eishockey Players 1989 (1/22)
Herforder Set Smiley 2003 (32/32) 1x
Herforder Set 2004 (32/32) 6x
Herforder Playing Cards 2006 (32/32) 13x + und Singles
Herforder Bierkreiszeichen 2007 (36/36) 3x
Herforder EM 2008 (16/16) 3x
Herforder Heimat 2011 (12/12) 1x
Herforder 10 Jahre Editionsgläser 2012 (10/10) 3x
Hofbräuhaus Traunstein Sprüche (5/5) 3x
Karamalz Bumblebee (5/5) 4x
Karamalz Drachenzähmen (1/20)
Karamalz Ich - einfach unverbesserlich 2 (20/20)
Karamalz Jack and the Giants (20/20)
Karamalz The Hobbit 2 - Smaugs Einöde (20/20)
Karamalz The Hobbit 3 - Die Schlacht der 5 Heere (5/20)
Karamalz Tim & Struppi (2/20)
Karamalz Peanuts - Der Film 7/20
Karamalz BumbleBee (5/5)
Karamalz Hotel Transsilvanien III (19/20)
Karamalz Toggo Radio Wissens-Challenge (2/20)
Landskron 950 Jahre Stadt Görlitz (43/95) 1 x (11/95)
Landskron Brauerei Görlitz 150 Jahre (39/150),1 x (6/150)
Lang Bräu Erotik Beer (3/3) 8x
Leipziger Zoo Promo (6/6) 6x
Löwenbräu Olympiade 1972 (1/22)
Lust auf ... (1/4) 3x
Mauritius Stadtwappen (6/27)
Moninger Footballteams (1/21)
Oettinger Edition 2015 - Fabrikzeichen: DKF (18/18) 8x / 1 x (16/18) + Singles
Oettinger Edition 2015 - Fabrikzeichen: RRK (18/18) 6x / 1 x (7/18)
Oettinger Edition 2017 (20/20) 5x / 2 x (19/20) + Singles
Oettinger new look 2024 (5/5) 7x
Paderborner Energie für alle (18/18) 1x
Paderborner Malz 2013 (10/10) 1x / 1x (3/10)
Störtebeker Leuchttürme blau (14/14) 3x /+ 12 singles (1 x unbenutzt, 2 x benutzt)
Störtebeker Leuchttürme beige (13/14), 1 x (1/18)
Störtebeker Leuchttürme schwarz (14/14) + 11 singles 2 x /(1 x unbenutzt, 1 x benutzt)
Störtebeker Wahrzeichen des Nordens (14/14) 4 x unbenutzt / 1 x (3/14) + Singles
Stralsunder 775 Jahre Stralsund (4/4) 12x / 1 x (2/4)
Stralsunder Brauerei-Arena WM2010 rot (32/32) 1x
Stralsunder Brauerei-Arena EM2012 blau (16/16) 1x / 1 x (1/16)
Stralsunder Zur Hansezeit und heute (2/10)
Sundhausen Meeting (59/59) 2x / 1 x (24/59) + Singles
Taler Sammelsystem (5/?) 1x / 1 x (2/?)
Westerwald-Bräu Heimatliebe 2016 (5/709)
Coca Cola WM 2014 (3/10) / 1x / 1 x 1/10
Coca Cola Edition 2015 rot (10/10)
Soproni Aszok Faces (4/4) 10x
Flags, Numbers, Letters factory: dap (7/216) + Singles
Flags, Numbers. Letters factory: h (3/216) + Singles
Flags Singles - different factory signs old sets (28 different caps)
Il Barattolo Associazione di Collezionismo Birraio 2018 (5/42)
Pistoia Meeting (7/48) 2x
Power Rangers 2006 (2/80)
Valfrutta Euro Coins 2007 (104/104) 1x / 1 x (55/104)
Zuegg Disney factory: dap (1/16)
Zuegg Disney factory: CCI (2/16)
+ Singles (Zoo Animals, Pelliconi Day)
Coca Cola Names (4/?)
Bralis Latvian Towns and Countries (19/77)
Dundulis Edition 2019 (4/38) (1 x 1/38)
Coca Cola Names (4/?) 1x / 1 x (1/?)


Pepsi Live the Summer world (12/12)
CanPack Promotion 2010 (1/59)
CanPack Promotion 2011 weiss (1/?)
Carlsberg WM 2018 (32/32)
Jablonowo Edition 2012 (6/6) 1x / 1 x (3/6)
Witnica Cities of Lubiskie (5/43)
Zubr Pochodzi z Naturi Mocne (3/9)
Sagres Seleccao 2004 Innendruck (9/11)
Schweppes Carros Antigos (1/130) - nur Tausch gegen andere spezielle Serien! Only very Special trade
Silva White Drawings (1/6)
COLLECTORS POST USSR (13/76) 1x / 1 x (2/76)
Collectors from Russia and Ukraine 2013 (3/75)
Amigos Coleccionistas de Tapon Corona 2016 (1/76)
Coca Cola Footballplayer Innendruck (27/51)
Cruzcampo Edition 2006 'dap' (6/6) 1x / 1 x (4/6)
Cruzcampo Edition 2006 'U' (6/6) 2x / 1 x (1/6)
Foro Tapon Corona (11/59) 1x / 1 x (5/59)
Mahou Atletico de Madrid (24/25)
Mahou Real Madrid (24/25)
Malavella Diner 2004 (6/6) 2x
Malavella Diner 2006 (6/6) 1x / 1 x (4/6)
Vichy Catalan Sports factory: E (6/6) 3x
Vichy Catalan Sports different factories: (3/6) 2x
Vichy Catalan Salud (factory: Z (6/6) 1x / 1 x (3/6)
Vichy Catalan Salud (factory: U (2/6)
Leo WM 2022 (10/10) 3x
Budweiser Patriotic 2013 (4/9)
Homebrew Black and White 2013 Set 1
Little Earth Tattoo (1/7)
Pelliconi Promotion (7/708)
Pelliconi Statehood Promotional (1/145)
Plank Roads Brewery Innendruck (37/?)
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (1/24)
Skeleteens 2011 (3/7)
Madagascar Movie (5/22)
MLB Teams 1998 (3/33)
Polar Chicle Sexy Women 2005 red edge (14/44) / 1x (2/44) / 1x (1/44)
+ some Singles [DL-Carlsberg EM 2008, ESP-Pringles Inside Print, AT-Stiegl EM 2008,
DL-Lang Bräu Erotic Beer